Have you ever had to work double-time? What about over-time?
Or maybe your job requires you to take the night shift?
Night or day, staying awake and alert on the job site isn’t always so easy.
And by the time you get home, do you really have enough energy to do… anything?
Most Americans don’t, which is why we created a list of 7 actionable ways to stay awake even after you get home from work.
1. Drink water before other liquids.
Not all of us have the privilege to work inside and stay out of the sun all day.
But even if you work in an office all day, that’s no guarantee you’re hydrated!
Keeping your body fueled with water is the first step to staying energized after work.
Since most stimulants are diuretics, they hydrate you (especially coffee).
2. Don’t immediately sit on the couch.
It’s tempting to sit down the moment you walk in the door–but don’t.
Because if you just worked 8 hours straight (or more), once you let your body relax, your brain is sure to follow suit.
3. Take the dogs (or your spouse) on a quick walk.
Before you take off your shoes. Before you put on pajama pants and pour yourself a glass of wine…
Go for a short walk–even if it’s around the block or cul-de-sac.
4. Eat a small, healthy snack.
You don’t want to spoil your appetite before dinner, but keeping your body filled with proper nutrients is a sure-fire way to stay awake.
If you let yourself give in to a large, rewarding dinner meal, you’ll likely begin nodding off faster (thanks to what we call “postprandial indolence”, or after-eating sleepiness.
5. Keep your eyes away from the computer.
Unless you just got home and you’re reading this article, a great way to avoid tiredness is to un-glue your eyes from a screen.
After a long day of work, your eyes may already be fatigued. Use the time right after work to remain intentional in a conversation or read a book it gets too late.
6. Turn on the lights.
When the blinds are shut and the lights are dim, that’s a recipe for an afternoon siesta.
To avoid giving in to your long day’s exhaustion, keep the lights on in your house or apartment.
It helps mimic the morning’s light which is usually when you’re at your more alert.
7. Take an energy booster in the day time.
While drinking coffee or energy drinks can harm your sleep, if you take an energy booster at just the right time a day, you’ll be able to fall asleep right when you need to.
We suggest one that’s:
100% natural
One that lasts for at least 6+ hours
And one that helps fight your fatigue
For stay-awake energy that gets you through your work day, try Extreme Energy by Herbal Nitro®.
It’s an all-natural energy booster that will give you the energy for the day without disrupting your sleep at night.
Have you tried energy pills that did nothing for you? Welcome to the club.
We’ve all tried some energy pill that left us hopeless, thinking our energy levels will never be the same.
Why don’t energy pills work for me?
I just need more energy in the day.
Do I need some type of prescription?
You may be thinking, “Are there any energy pills that will work for me?”
Yes! But you’ve been trying the wrong types of energy pills.
The Best Types of Energy Pills
For an energy pill to really work, it needs to meet a few criteria.
I don’t know about you, but I hold energy pills to a higher standard.
If it’s going in my body, the energy pill better have a…
1. 100% natural formula
This means:
No chemicals.
No ingredients I can’t pronounce.
No fillers or preservatives.
Because if you’re not going to drink coffee, the energy pill should at least resemble something natural.
For an energy pill to work, it must also…
2. Be well dosed.
In other words, an energy pill should give you energy with a single dose.
If the label says the daily dosage is 2-4 pills, toss it. It doesn’t work, and the company is milking you for money.
When energy pills (or any supplements) have poorly-quantified dosages, it usually means they are “private labeling”: paying manufacturers to make the product for them.
When you’re on the road for hours at a time, it’s tempting to reach for the popular energy drinks to keep you going.
After all, doesn’t everyone agree that energy drinks are the go-to boosters?
Absolutely not, and here’s why.
1. Energy drinks are LOADED with caffeine
When you load your body with caffeine, you experience what we call “Roller Coaster Energy.” In other words, your energy levels spike and CRASH in a short amount of time.
As a truck driver, you can’t afford to crash. Literally.
You need something that keeps you energized steadily, without the ups and downs from energy drinks.
Energy drinks are off the list. What’s next?
2. Coffee is better, but still loses.
We always recommend coffee over energy drinks. After all, caffeine from coffee bean is known worldwide for its amazing benefits for the body.
More energy
Even fat burning
But should a truck driver be chugging several cups of coffee a day? Heck no.
Not only does the caffeine in coffee wear off in a couple hours, you’ll also have that “up-and-down” energy all day long.
…Not to mention the climbing cost of several $2.00 cups of coffee every single day.
3. Energy supplements are best for truck drivers.
While many experienced truck drivers will tell you to avoid energy supplements, they’re about the best option you have aside from maintaining exercise and a healthy diet.
Some drivers will tell you that if you rely on energy pills, it can be unsafe–which, in some sense, it can be.
But truck drivers often take way too many low-quality energy pills.
One trucker used to overconsume them (he certainly wouldn’t need that many if he were taking Extreme Energy pills.
I lived a early life consuming boxes of caffeine pills, 40 at a sitting. Good for about 30 hours alertness.
If you need energy pills to keep you awake every time you’re on the road, it’s time to take a look at your diet, exercise, and sleep. Only then can you decide what’s best.
The verdict: No pills, or Extreme Energy pills.
We at Herbal Nitro® have many truck drivers who take Extreme Energy when they’re driving. And for them, it’s the hands-down best energy pill for truck drivers.
Here’s what some of them say…
Here’s what Deena R thinks:
Love this product! I’ve been using for years! I’ve recommended it to all my friends, family and clients. Great for nurses, law enforcement, truck drivers, even divers during Shark 🦈 Week. My son used it to study for finals too.
And Cynthia M:
I’d like to give this 5 stars it helps me out I’m a driver I drive 13 hours a day does not get me jittery leave me in a good mood and no down side
I do love this form of energy it’s better than the Rockstar it’s better than Red Bull it doesn’t give you the crash and you’re not jittery.
Try Extreme Energy risk-free today. It’s the best energy for truck drivers out there since 1999.
Thinking of doing a colon cleanse? You’re in the right place, because you’re going to learn about real benefits of colon cleansing with herbs.Unlike some unnatural alternatives (like pharmaceutical laxatives or enemas) that prevent you from walking 5 feet from a toilet, an herbal colon cleanse is safe, gentle, and effective.
If you’re like the millions of Americans every year who struggle with occasional constipation, an herbal colon cleanse is a miracle.There are many types of herbs you can use, but we favor two main, ancient herbs: Cascara Sagrada and Senna Leaf.Each of these herbs helps you poop regularly and naturally, because they act on your normal intestinal processes.The small intestine.Cascara Sagrada, for example, promotes peristalsis and stool evacuation.[1] It’s a powerful colon cleanse herb and is found in these herbal colon cleanses.The other herb that shines in helping you poop regularly is Senna Leaf. This leaf has shown to act upon the large intestine by, once again, stimulating peristalsis.[2]The large intestine.You see, both of your intestines have this integral function called peristalsis, which is a kind of “wave-like” movement that pushes contents to your colon. The right herbs, when used in a colon cleanse formula, help your bowels perform peristalsis better.And when you choose Cascara or Senna, you can bet you’ll start pooping more regularly within no time at all.
2. Alleviates painful bowel movements.
There’s nothing more embarrassing than being scared to go to the restroom because you don’t want to feel pain.That’s no way to live. Thankfully, one of the benefits of a colon cleanse is to help alleviate painful movements.For example, one of our customers who has taken My Gentle Detox for almost 15 years (!) used to experience painful movements. Now she doesn’t.
I’ve been using this since 2006, and it’s the only thing I use to go to the bathroom with. Pain medications used to cause me difficulty with irregularity. It’s by far the best for me. I highly recommend it to anyone – Cheri M.
One of the ways colon cleanses can alleviate painful bowel movements is by softening your stool. Once again, we have the two star ingredients joining this benefit list, along with added Aloe Vera.Aloe Vera, along with boasting so many other benefits, is an incredible ingredient for herbal colon cleanses. Actually, the Aloe Vera family is the most biologically active of the Aloe species, and when saddled up against other laxative agents, has shown improved constipation indicators (bowel movement frequency, stool consistency, etc.).[3]While you definitely want to see your doctor if you’re suffering from real, chronic constipation, a natural, herbal colon cleanse is perfect for the rest of us who just need to alleviate some discomfort in the down-there region.
3. Reduces bowel-related bloating.
If you get bloated the same week every month on the dot, that might be menstruation. But if you experience bloating often, and you think it’s related to your digestion, then an herbal colon cleanse is a perfect fit.First, if you’re bloated, you should first think about the foods you’ve been eating. They are generally the first culprit.Consuming an excess in sodium, for example, is sure to be a bloater. The American Heart Association recommends a maximum of 2300mg a day,[4] but advises you shoot for 1500mg. Here is what’s scary: more than 70% of the sodium we consume is from our food, not from the salt shaker.Other items that may bloat you include heavy starches (bread, potato, pasta) and artificial sweeteners (commonly found in soda pop and “flavor enhancers” for water).While you definitely want reduce your intake of these two, colon cleansing can take your fight against bloating to the next level.Linda Lee Ann, M.D. at Johns Hopkins Medicine cites “constipation” as one of the commonest causes of bloating.[5] As Lee says:
The longer your stool sits in your colon, the more time bacteria have to ferment what’s there. You’re going to get gassier, and you’re going to feel a lot more bloated.
The more effective your digestive system is at removing build-up, the less likely you’ll suffer from bloating.And what’s a better way to improve your digestive system? Chemicals, or natural herbs?
4. Improves your digestion.
When your digestive system isn’t running at its top gear, your body suffers. In fact, if your digestive system were to shut down, the body couldn’t nourish itself or get rid of waste.For digestive health, your best bet is to eat healthily, and “[eliminate] acidic things from the diet, such as tomatoes, onions, and red wine,” says Dr. Larry Good, a gastroenterologist associated with South Nassau Communities Hospital.[6]Even drinking alcohol can disrupt your digestive system (but we’re level-headed, so we’re not going to tell you to ditch the wine).After all, everything we consume is filtered through our digestive system: so if we neglect it over and over again, we can’t expect it to be 100% healthy.That’s why one of the grandest health benefits of a natural colon cleanse is digestive health.The herbs in this colon cleanse deal not only address your intestines, but also your liver, blood cholesterol, and skin!There are other factors too that affect your digestive health, such as the foods you eat. Incorporating high-fiber foods is an excellent addition to your herbal colon cleanse.Credit: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/22-high-fiber-foodsHere are some foods that are helpful for your digestion: dark, leafy greens (broccoli, kale, spinach); legumes (chickpeas, kidney/pinto/black beans); fruit (raspberries, apples, figs); and nuts (chia seeds, oats); and, of course, dark chocolate.When you feed your body the natural ingredients it craves, you’ll find your digestive health improves tremendously.
5. Supports healthy weight loss.
Yes, that’s correct: Colon cleanses can help weight loss… but there’s a catch.Weight loss from a colon cleanse is not sustained weight loss.After immediately starting your herbal colon cleanse, you are likely to see experience a decrease in weight–but that’s because of the excess build-up you just removed from your body.Certain colon cleansing herbs that act on the intestines, such as Cascara Sagrada, promote stool evacuation, which means you’ll be evacuating more than a little bit of waste.For prolonged weight loss, however, you’ll want to focus on three cardinal factors:
A healthy diet, filled with fiber and supplemented with occasional colon cleansing.
Plenty of exercise–at least 4 times a week, and accompanied by drinking more water.
Consistency: the day-by-day pressing on toward your weight loss goal no matter the difficulties.
Click here to read about an herb that crushes your appetite.
6. Helps keep liver and other organs safe.
When it comes to natural colon cleansing, you’ll notice there are side-benefits that you never even expected. One of those is increased organ health.Depending on the herbs you use, your colon cleanse can either be straight-to-the-point or a holistic solution for digestive health. We prefer the latter.Dandelion and Fennel, for example, each come naturally with antioxidant benefits as well as the ability to fight constipation.Dandelion, for one, is a potent diuretic,[7] which means it increases the amount of water and salt passed with urine. When added to a colon cleanse formula, you get a two-in-one “detoxing” benefit.Dandelion, of course, is also a wonderful digestive stimulant, and has been used for gastrointestinal problems for ages.[8]Fennel, similarly, is a boon to colon cleansing.The seed is not only very rich in fiber (but why not eat dark chocolate for fiber?), but also filled with “antioxidant, antitumor, chemopreventive, cytoprotective, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, and oestrogenic activities” (the “hepaprotective” meaning protecting the liver).[9,10]It’s no doubt that if you’re going to do a colon cleanse, it should be one filled with herbs, leaves, and roots, so you get all the concomitant benefits of the ingredients!Click here to try an all-natural colon cleanse made with the herbs from above.Sources